Sunday, July 02, 2006

Indians must do their own creative thinking

This Day That Age dated July 1, 1956: Nehru on India's progress The Hindu Saturday, Jul 01, 2006
Prime Minister Nehru said in London on June 30 that such a vast development as was now being attempted in India had never been tried in the world before at such rapid pace. India was making a unique experiment of developing the vast country through democratic means quickly.
Addressing a meeting of Indian students and Indian residents at the India House, he said Russia took 40 years to develop her economy and resources. The methods Russia adopted were severe. He did not want to comment on the methods of other countries, for each country had its own problems. But Russia had achieved progress after paying a great price and theirs was not a democratic method. The Russians themselves were now criticising some of their old methods. The methods used by America were also not suited to India basically because the atmosphere in America was different from that in India.
Indian problems were different from those of America and, therefore, they could not look for a solution of Indian problems through American experience. Mr. Nehru said India was having advisers from various countries - the US, Britain, Russia, China, Japan, France, Poland, etc. - on her development problems, but all advisers agreed that Indians must do their own creative thinking for the development of their country.

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