Thursday, June 14, 2018

Religious animosity is normal but sublimation is the political task

Hindu Spirituality and Virtue Politics | SAGE Publications Inc
Hindu Spirituality and Virtue Politics analyzes the writings of four distinguished thinkers of India: S. Radhakrishnan, Vinoba Bhave, C. Rajagopalachari and A. K. Coomaraswamy ...

Assorted tweets for general information:

The Nation-State as an Example of Creating Psychological Unity in a Societal Aggregate and Persistence Over Time

A summary of Bhagavad Gita by Sri Aurobindo.
A small context behind creating this infographic: 
I used to assume the "core" message of Gita was "to perform action without expecting the fruits or results of said action." 
Sri Aurobindo explains why that's not the core message and how it only arrives at viewing it as a part

Sri Aurobindo's guidance to a young disciple (TEXT).
Q: You wrote about the lower forces: “In the working out sometimes they rise, sometimes they disappear.” Cannot the lower forces be...

"Humans are tribal. We need to belong to groups. We crave attachments... Almost no one is a hermit. Even monks & friars belong to orders. But the tribal instinct is not just an instinct to belong. It is also an instinct to exclude." Just finished this fascinating study by @amychua

Mob justice is usually linked to people's loss of faith in formal institutions. In India, this deeply worrying trend is also about one community using lynching as an instrument of control over another (Hindu/Muslim,Tribal/Non-tribal,Dalit/Upper caste).

Gauri Lankesh, Pansare, Dabholkar, Kalburgi: Justice delayed. How long will it be denied? via @DailyO_

In this excerpt from Abhinav Chandrachud's latest book, "Supreme Whispers," he refers to Gadbois’s conversations with judges about the role and influence of caste identities in the decisions to appoint judges to the higher judiciary.

People who call themselves "Liberals" in India, are essentially bullies, which by definition makes them cowards. They virtue signal & pontificate by punching Hindus at every given opportunity. But they don't dare to do the same with others. Principles don't matter

Doesn't it surprise you that these fiberals, almost all of them, are upper caste Hindus by birth. These messiahs of secularism do not have any principles, they just want to be principal beneficiaries of the loafs thrown to them by pompous airbags aspiring for political clout.

Rebuttal to Anand Ranganthan’s articles on Ambedkar. Do read and discuss

Death by a Thousand Cuts and Narendra Modi

How AMU breeds counter-modernism and religious orthodoxy

To get a grip an altruism, see humans as molecules

People should be free to discuss episodes of history that they find painful. Left’s attempt to constrain conversation was wrong. But we have to stand against the ugly (and sadly common) business of holding people responsible in 2018 for what you think their ancestors did in 1518.

"We know the West as the West looks at itself. We study the East the way West studies the East. We look at the world the way West looks at it. We do not even know whether the world would look different, if we looked at it our way." ~ S. N. Balagangadhara

Remembering the fearless visionary of Cuban revolution #ErnestoCheGuevara on birth anniversary.

References to Vishnu and matsya avatar land up in 'Moby Dick'?

13th June 2016 - The heart of Sanatana Dharma lies not in unquestionable dogmas and obtuse doctrines but the ability to rediscover and re-live the experiences recorded in the scriptures by every new generation.

If he doesn’t discuss these things, “brahmins monopolize knowledge”
If he does take the pain to explain, “this message is alien to me”
The many faces of Lemurititis, an advanced condition that infects even sincere believers.

The culture differential between a tamizh brahmana and other tamizhs is the size of the grand canyon.

Some would say that basava was a rebel against the veda and point his vacanas to that effect. Yet, one could point to dozens of other vacanas by him praising the veda. Which one of these is true, it doesn’t matter. The average liNGAyat practices rituals & affirms traditions.
Hell, contrary to leftist narrative peddlers, even shrI sant ravidAsa expresses his faith in the veda! Much appreciation to @Parikramah for translating this for me.

NRI's feel guilty that they have left their country for a foreign one. This comes out in supporting the most 'Nationalistic' and dharmik sounding party, irrespective of the results.

#ScrollMagazine |  ‘Mahabharata’ doesn’t belong to one country or race – Peter Brook’s nine-hour play is proof of that
Peter Brook’s play ‘Le Mahabharata’ was the stark opposite of BR Chopra’s TV serial ‘Mahabharat’.

I'm indebted to J.P. Dutta for life: Pooja Bhatt  
#JPDutta #PoojaBhatt #ashokanews

Remembering legendary theatre director, playwright, actor, poet & social activist Habib Tanvir Sahib. Salute to his great contribution to the indian theatre. #DeathAnniversary (1Sept 1923- 8 June 2009) #HabibTanvir #CharandasChor #AgraBazar
#NayaTheatre #Theatre

"Besides reading the work of the writer he is translating, a translator  of classics must read widely, variously, and extensively." @microMAF discusses his practice as a translator from the Urdu.

Ram Temple issue can be said to be the genesis of current political dispensation in the country. It's a classic case of how the action of a few misguided leaders can be disastrous. It further alerts against pernicious exploitation of Mythology and for protecting children from it.

Religious animosity is normal but the political task is to reform and refine it through sublimation. Electoral compulsions however drag things down towards lowest common denominator. Yet, the path of Yoga enables to see events in proper perspective and treat them with equanimity.

Marketime: Discarding Mythology in favour of Vedic symbolism @NathTusar @FXbyDharma @sabhlok
This mire must harbour the orchid and the rose,
From her blind unwilling substance must emerge
A beauty that belongs to happier spheres.
-Sri Aurobindo ("SAVITRI")

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