Monday, May 20, 2024

Reading can change lives

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra 

As our lives are increasingly taken over by electronic gadgets and screens, we should remind ourselves how reading can change lives and bring us unfathomable hours of happiness.

Mamata Banerjee's recent attack on ISKCON, RKM, & Bharat Sevashram Sangh hits a new low. She accuses them of threatening India's future, claims RKM is campaigning for the BJP via WhatsApp. As the CM, her delusional rants are a travesty for the people of Bengal.


"Ramkrishna mission, ISKCON, BSS are known globally for their service. TMC threatened the saints just to appease their Vote bank":

- PM Modi slams TMC for belittling the saints of Bengal and attacking Ramakrishna Mission and ISKCON.


शूद्र कौन ? सरल भाषा में शांत प्रकाश जाटव का वक्तव्य

Thread of threads:

1. A brief survey of life and work of Swami KarpAtri ji

2. Story of Udayana, the most celebrated king of India

3. On how Alain Daniélou betrayed Swami KarpAtri ji by distorting his views

Hindi belt people have many defects but they are absolutely free from this cancer of hating people from other states.

Arey bahut dusht hai. Odiya V1 ka naam lekar apni Bhadaas nikla raha hai.

Don't know about sociology, but he continued the work of anthropology from his predecessor. As for historian, he didn't make it to the list of eminence by Mr Shourie. So not the worst.

What are you claiming clown?

I'm talking about caste kanging that doesn't mean hierarchy isn't there.

Learn from traditional acharyas who have been following traditions since the beginning & not from some random clown who claims to know this & that.

He isn't prepared for inquiry. He will stand by the BJP-RSS stance that he has already adopted. His kind is more concerned with their political objectives than with Hindu Dharma.

The government and establishment are systematically flushing out General Category men from the system. This is happening not just in IIMs but also in civil services, government jobs, and the private sector through DEI. 

But why? Read my follow-up tweet  ---(1)

After writing this, don't call yourself Savarkarite or Hindutvaadi, Savarkar himself believed much like Ambedkar in inter-caste marriages, encouraging it was the most efficient way destroying the 7 social barriers in the Hindu society and uniting them under a common identity.


A nascent yet storied ideology is taking India by storm as Jatitva faces off against Hindutva.

The 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, Critical Caste Theory, Lebanese Confessionalism, & more feature in this jam-packed episode.

Original article on Jatitva:

Ambedkar is simultaneously India's greatest sociologist & worst historian.

I was being glib but I think his essential prism of Brahminism vs Buddhism is very wrong & has had a corrosive effect on understanding Indian history (other historians go pushed this as well). As well as homogenization of caste expression over time/place

he misdiagnoses Indian history as a battle between Brahminism & Buddhism. This is the crux of his worldview which is fantastically wrong. Vedicism (a better term for Brahminism) & Sramanism (Jainism & Buddhism) were like the DNA of ancient Indian culture - parallel strands linked, mixing and matching, evolving together.

This along with his shoehorning blame on Brahmins as if other castes had the intelligence of homo erectus. Removes a lot of agency from other castes as well as homogenizes caste experience across era and area.

I think he had a great grasp of contemporary Indian society though, hence why I admire his sociological outlook. Atrocious history stuff which mostly was a side hobby to buttress his ideas.

I used to have highly emotive reactions towards Gandhi, Savarkar, Nehru, Ambedkar, etc…

Extreme positives & negatives.

But now I just see them as bundles of ideas & experiences to learn from.

The worst thing to do is to deify or demonize them as a chest of truth is then lost.

"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" by Tilak is arguably the worst historical take by any prominent nationalist figure during the colonial period.

We must not balance any praise of Ambedkar with criticism for the sake of it, though Ambedkar got some parts of history rather wrong too.

As I said, he got stuff wrong too. But the glibness is due to a need to "balance". There is no need to do so.

Ambedkar's credentials as a sociologist are quite weak even if we ignore the later phase of his life which was driven more by activism than a dispassionate study of the society. For instance, we can consider the paper which he wrote on the origin of caste in 1917.

In that paper, Ambedkar argued that castes were essentially classes in the beginning which later crystallized into caste. This is something which is also argued by Marxist sociologists and there is some element of truth in it considering the large number of professional castes.

However, the transformation of class into caste as explained by Ambedkar is quite unsatisfactory. Ambedkar argued that Brahmins wanted to crystallize their privileges and they started practicing endogamy resulting in Brahmin caste.

As Brahmins occupied the highest echelon of the society, rest of the castes imitated them and started practicing endogamy to give birth to numerous castes. In his words, it was 'the infection of imitation'. In Ambedkar's worldview, Brahmins are the original sinner.

But when we look at the history, there is no evidence to support his hypothesis that endogamy first emerged amongst the Brahmins. In the available religious literatures and historical records, this is a common feature across the castes.

Second, while it would have made sense for Brahmins to practice endogamy because they were privileged in Ambedkar's view, why will lower classes adopt the same strategy which limited their economic and social mobility? By imitating Brahmins, they lost the both.

So, in Ambedkar's scheme of things, Brahmins are the progenitors of the caste system while other castes including Kshatriya-s who held the political power merely imitated them. This view had wider ramifications resulting in one caste getting all the blames.

In short, Ambedkar as both sociologist and historian was clouded by his desire for activism. As an activist, he was hugely successful and changed the dynamics of caste completely. He virtually killed Sanskritization in political space.

Link of Ambedkar's paper discussed above:

Regarding caste based movements in N India, there is something important to note with the rise of Ambedkar and the demand for affirmative section for the 'oppressed groups'. Caste based movements in pre-1930 phase were centered around gaining a higher status in caste hierarchy... 

As the very edifice of the Hindu social structure was challenged, Brahmins who were portrayed as the architect of this system in Ambedakarite thought, they became the primary enemy who must be demonized. The focus has shifted now on drifting away from Hinduism.

His ideas became influential later. During his lifetime, he was a marginal figure.

Martha Nussbaum's alleged scholarship is based on her solipsism (too autobiographical), misrepresentation of facts and cherry picking convenient bits. She did the same when she countered Scruton in 80s; in her duel with Richard Epstein; and in her work 'Cultivating Humanity'.

Her learning in classical philosophy is a tool for her ideological battle of feminism and homosexuality in the West. In India, Tagore and Sen are the sticks with which she beats every other regressive Indian in the august company of her comrades such as Wendy Doniger.

The trap of “global standards”? Indians pls reflect on who makes these global standards and in alignment w which civilization’s values. Avoid inferiority complex.

For example the DEI standards are nonsensical and will destroy India! Also things like index of human rights, religious freedom, etc. Utter nonsense. 

In fact India should evaluate all global standards and publish a list of those it accepts and those it REJECTS. That’s leadership.

Most people in India, when talking about anti-India propaganda, only limit themselves to the Anglosphere. They forget about one European country, Germany, that rivals them in hosting all kinds of frauds and bigots, and its state media is equally as bad as the BBC.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support. My first book, "Nastik: Why I Am Not an Atheist," is finally available for PRE-ORDER on Amazon! Reserve your copy and join me in this journey from neo-atheism to Nirīśvaravāda #Nastik

Hinduism can't be truly universal until Jati Varna exists. For Dharma to be spread across the globe fairly, the third rated concept of Jati Varna has to die. It is dying daily as of now. May the speed increase even more.

All the apologia for Jati Varna always comes from General category Hindus, especially a section of Trad Brahmins. If I told them fine, have your Jati Varna, but let all the SC/ST/OBC get what you guys got for 1500 years and see how their world collapses. Now I'll watch some cricket and another set of people get triggered here.

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