Key to the Vedas - Page 152 - M. I. Mikhailov, N. S. Mikhailov - Vinoba Bhave, his follower, and many other contemporary Hindus state that his words were indeed prophetic. Aurobindo Ghosh `The recovery of the perfect truth of the Veda is a practical necessity for the future of the human race. ...
Indian Political Tradition - Page 221 - Mohanty D.K - 2002
- Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950) Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was the most formidable representative of Indian culture and civilisation. His philosophy synthesising mysticism and realism, materialism and spiritualism carved out a unique place for ...
Aurobindo Ghosh, revolutionary and reformer - Shiri Ram Bakshi - 1994 - He Led A Simple Life In Accordance With The Indian Traditions. The Work Would Be Useful For Teachers, Students And Research Scholars In India And Abroad.
Indian political thinkers: modern indian political thought - Page 135 - N. Jayapalan - 2000 - 11 Shri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950) Life Sketch When the Indian politics demanded the personalities sprang up. Maharishi Aurobindo Ghosh was like a sun amongst the stars. He was such a person that he was high above the calibre of Swami ...
Mao Zedong and the Communist Policies 1927-1978 - Page 50 - B. E. Shinde - 1992 - CHAPTER VII AUROBINDO GHOSH AUROBINDO GHOSH in his ashrama which later became a regular teaching house of spiritual knowledge, opened out an absolutely new ground of scientific explanation of not only the Gita, but also other spiritual ...
A Comprehensive Study of Education - Page 260 - S. Samuel Ravi - Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950) INTRODUCTION Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, occupies a very important position among the contemporary Indian philosophers of education due to his wide knowledge of East and West, ancient and modern system of ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: the spirit of freedom - Suneera Kapoor - 1991
– Both Aurobindo and Tilak have made freedom as the central theme of their writings. Aurobindo regards freedom as the "wanfra"1 of his life. He says, "if to aspire to independence and preach freedom is a crime, you may cast me into jail ... Foundations of Tilak s Nationalism: Discrimination, Education and Hindutva
Parimala V. Rao (Hardcover - Jun 1, 2010)
Indian revolutionaries: a comprehensive study, 1757-1961: Volume 1 - Śrīkr̥shṇa Sarala - 1999 - Aurobindo Ghosh A countless number of people crowded the High Court of Calcutta that day. ... Aurobindo Ghosh was standing in the enclosure for the accused. While arguing the case for him, Chittaranjan Das tore through the web of false ... Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: the Life and Thought of a Revolutionary.(Book Review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society
Rachel Fell McDermott (Digital - Jan 1, 2003)
Educational Thinkers - Page 125 - V.R. Taneja, S. Taneja - 2006 - 8 AUROBINDO GHOSH (AUGUST 15, 1872 — AUGUST 15, 1947) In the galaxy of saints, seers, sages and prophets in India, Aurobindo outshines all because of his versatile genius sprawling over the whole human situation — man individual, ...
Philosophy of history: some reflections on North-east India - Page 60 - S.C. Daniel - 2000 - CHAPTER 8 Sri Aurobindo's Theory of History: A Philosophical Investigation (Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, 1872-1950) This chapter makes an attempt to show that Sri Aurobindo has a full-blooded theory of history, and that it is a combination of ...
Modern Indian History - Page 6-17 - Mohammad Tarique - One of the earliest leaders who criticised the moderate politics systematically, in a series of articles entitled 'New Lamps for Old' was Aurobindo Ghosh. He did not like constitutional method of struggle based on English model and ...
Bengal divided: Hindu communalism and partition, 1932-1947 - Page 13 - Joya Chatterji - 2002 - 57 For an account of Aurobindo Ghosh's rather curious and exceptionally westernised upbringing, see AB Purani, ... 58 Barbara Southard, The Political Strategy of Aurobindo Ghosh', pp. 361 369. Also see Aurobindo's discussion of his ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page 168 - V. P. Varma – 1990
- During the short but vigorously active, almost meteoric political career that Aurobindo had, 2 he earned a great and lasting reputation.3 ... Wrote Subhas: "The illustrious example of Aurobindo Ghosh ...
Congress and Indian nationalism: the pre-independence phase - Page 72 - Richard Sisson, Stanley A. Wolpert - 1988
- 420 pages - Full view
The editorial staff of this paper included BC Pal (the chief editor), Aurobindo Ghosh (who had recently come from Baroda to Calcutta as a college lecturer), Hemendra Prasad Ghosh (a zamindar from Jessore), Shyamsundar Chakrabarti (the ...
Research journal: humanities & social science: Volume 1, Issue 1 - University of Indore - 1972 - Political Vedantism of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh Dr. Ram Chandra Gupta, MA Ph. D: Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (born in 1872) was one of the most creative and significant figures in the Indian Renaissance Movement. He was gifted with surprising powers ...
Nationalism: its theory and principles in India - Page 168 - Parmanand Parashar - 1996
- name was Aurobindo Ghosh." According to Dr. OP Goyal, "From the very beginning. Aurobindo belonged to the Extremist School of Politics in India ." Aurobindo dubbed the Moderates as Mendicants because they believed in prayers and ...
Saints, gurus and mystics of India: Volume 2 - Giriraj Shah – 1999 - Sri Aurobindo Ghosh Sri Aurobindo was born on thursday the 15th August 1871 about 5 AM at Calcutta in Bengal in a reputed Ghosh family of Konnagar. His father's name was Krishnadham and mother was known as Swarnalata. ...
Indian Dissertation Abstracts: Volume 7 - 1978 - KARAN SINGH : THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF SRI AUROBINDO GHOSH1893-1910, 1963, Supervisor : CJ. Chacko The Problem The group of extremists in the Indian National Congress contained some of the most extraordinary men of modern India such as ...
Contemporary approaches to value education in India - Page 202 - R. T. Nanda - 1997 - Chapter 11 Sri Aurobindo's Approach to Value Education Life of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950) Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born on August 15, 1872 in Calcutta. His father Krishnadhan, had desire to anglicise him completely. ...
The Indian historical review: Volume 28 - Indian Council of Historical Research - 2003 - BIPIN CHANDRA PAL AND AUROBINDO GHOSH: A UNIQUE RELATIONSHIP* Devendra Swarup It was a unique relationship, not at the physical level but at the highest intellectual and spiritual level. It was a relationship between two true ... Social and political orientations of Neo-Vedantism: Study of the social philosophy of Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Bipin Chandra Pal, Tagore, Gandhi, Vinoba and Radhakrishnan
S. L Malhotra
Literature, caste and society: the masks and veils - Page 164 - S. Jeyaseela Stephen - 2006
- Another rabid extremist who had taken shelter in Pondicherry too was Nagaswami Aiyar who had close contacts with Aurobindo Ghosh. In early 1910, Aurobindo Ghosh had arrived in Pondicherry and men like VVS Aiyar and Subramania Bharati ...
The universalistic thought of India: from the Rigveda to Radhakrishnan - Ramnarayan Vyas - 1970
- Shri Aurobindo Ghosh Aurobindo was not only a great political fighter, philosopher and mystic. He was a great thinker who drew great inspiration from India 's past and made some constructive contribution in the realm of social thought. ...
The nationalist movement in India and its leaders - Vidya Dhar Mahajan - 1962
- Aurobindo Ghosh Shri Aurobindo Ghosh, the sage of Pondicherry, shot into prominence during the agitation against the partition of Bengal. As the editor of the Bands Matram, he took the message of the Congress to every home. ...
Political Theory & Thought - Page 444 - Sharma Manoj - Hence, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh developed a positive programme of political action against the British. His objective became the complete freedom ...Besides his revolutionary writings, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh had bcome a member of the secret ...
Imperial Japan and national identities in Asia, 1895-1945 - Page 32 - Li Narangoa, R. B. Cribb - 2003 - REVOLUTIONARY PROPAGANDA: AUROBINDO GHOSH Even though revolutionary conspiracy from 1902 onwards involved different persons, one figure was constantly in the background as organizer and instigator: Aurobindo Ghosh (later Sri Aurobindo, ...
Secular democracy: Volume 4 - 1971 - One important feature of this revivalist element in Aurobindo Ghosh's thought was his claim that nationalism was a ... In this connection it is significant that CR Das, while defending Aurobindo Ghosh in the Aliporc Bomb case said: "The ...
Indian literature in English: critical views - Page 26 - Satish Barbuddhe – 2007 - This extraordinary fervour — the zeal of a new nationalism — came uponAurobindo Ghosh like a divine frenzy. ... The nationalism of Aurobindo Ghosh was a burning religious emotion, the voice of God in man.17 Sri Aurobindo was arrested ...
nirmalya said, May 7, 2011 at 7:15 am
I also do not prefer calling some one Sri Aurobindo especially when the word Sri was only added sometime after 1926 and remained with him for the next 24 years. it was genuinely insignificant for him. Moreover the addition of `Sri’ does not connote anything special for him as he had gone without it from 1872 – 1926 i.e. almost 54 years. As he dropped his `Acroyd’ middle name when he boarded the ship to India, so also I favor dropping the word `Sri’ . He was a teacher and a guide and we are all his students in the classroom of this world. He was referred to as A.G. in Baroda College and also National Council of Education Bengal (Ref. Aurobindo Ghosh: B Debsharma). Balai Debsharma was one of the first 19 students of AG at the National Council of Education Bengal. As I understand he also did not like that he should have devotees and even went to the extent of prohibiting prostration in front of his picture inside the Ashram. But unfortunately things did change. Please appreciate that we are dealing with a person who was beyond us and of course beyond his time. So it is better to try in finding him in us and not just show obeisance a thing which A.G. never liked given his brilliant education and the reading of all things around.
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