Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dumbing-down the news agenda

The former Home Minister Indrajit Gupta was one day doggedly pursued by a young journalist on his way out of parliament. When he finally agreed to stop for the news crew, he was asked the probing question. "Sir, would you please say something". The second question was "and Sir, who are you?"
Page Three here means sleazy scandals and stories about the rich and famous. Too much time to fill, too many channels, not enough news and reporters just out of their teens are all factors dumbing-down the news agenda across the industry...There's no hard evidence yet of the casting couch being wheeled into the nation's newsrooms. But the scourge of the modern Indian TV channel, the website, is full of accusations of sexual harassment of young women by more senior staff. How TV news is distorting India's media By Paul Danahar BBC South Asia bureau editor

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