Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cosmic Communists

by Alexander Dvorkin
Since 1993 the circle of fifty to sixty Volgogradians - admirers of Mme Blavatsky, Roerichs, Nostradamus, Porfiry Ivanov, Sri Aurobindo and others of this kind (including even the priest Alexander Menn )- began to study the writings of classics of Marxism-Leninism. The collected works of Lenin and Marx/Engels were pronounced to be "sacred texts" and the esoteric circle was transformed into the Party of Cosmic Communists.
The headquarters of the Party are decorated by Crucifixes, icons and the portraits of the founders of the scientific Communism. Everything is considered to be "the treasures of the Party". At the end of a party meeting the adepts light the candles and begin to pray. Out of the classic Christian prayers they recognize only "Our Father" and "Hail Mary". Other Orthodox prayers they consider to be "unbiblical" and "wrongl"
The charter of the party says: "fulfilling the commandments given by Moses and supplemented by Jesus Christ and Buddha, and developing the ideas of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, the Party acts as the channel of ideas of the Higher Intelligence who is the limitless source of knowledge". The final goal is "to create by the way of non-violence the societal formation similar to the Hierarchy of light - that is communism".
According to the leaders of the Party the members of CURA are the living channels of the "bright ideas and love" who work "according to the instructions of the Intelligence of the Universe". The main slogan of the new communists, printed on their party cards is: "The Higher intelligence and Party are one" (compare to the main slogan of CPSU - Lenin and Party are one, - A. L).). One of the main immediate tasks of the Party members is "to teach the people to defend themselves from the Absurdity" because it carries negative energy.

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