Tantra and Shaktism in the spirituality of Sri Aurobindo Ghose by ... 1 Jul 2010 by debbanerji
Tantra. He acknowledged the importance of transmuting sexual energy into a higher spiritual context, but indicated that this is very difficult and dangerous while one is sexually active. Aurobindo warned that when one ... [Theo-Monistic Mysticism: A Hindu-Christian Comparison, Michael Stoeber - May 1994
, Evil and the Mystics' God: Towards a Mystical Theodicy
Michael Stoeber - Jan 15, 1992]
Tantra. He acknowledged the importance of transmuting sexual energy into a higher spiritual context, but indicated that this is very difficult and dangerous while one is sexually active. Aurobindo warned that when one ...
Mirror of Tomorrow :: India's Independence and the Spiritual ... 24 Jun 2009 by RY Deshpande
We might trace some of the events that led to this preposterous situation, even while SriAurobindo warned of the dangers involved in it. He was alert to the issues, not only in the Indian context but also in the world context, ...
We might trace some of the events that led to this preposterous situation, even while SriAurobindo warned of the dangers involved in it. He was alert to the issues, not only in the Indian context but also in the world context, ...
jugal kishore mukherji's second letter to the trustees in 1987 6 May 2009 by Raman Reddy
sri aurobindo warned his disciples once against what he called “the peril of a hostile maya” which pushed some disciples to make a distinction between “the inner mother” and “the outer mother” and find some opposition and contradiction ...
sri aurobindo warned his disciples once against what he called “the peril of a hostile maya” which pushed some disciples to make a distinction between “the inner mother” and “the outer mother” and find some opposition and contradiction ...
politicians, intellectuals, philosophers, scientists, social ... 20 Apr 2008 aurobindo warned nehru about china's aggressive designs more than a decade before it invaded india in 1962. sadly, he chose to ignore him, says claude arpi. sri aurobindo: a contemporary reader author: sachidananda mohanty (ed) ...
A discourse on Indo European languages & culture: proceedings of ... Daya Nath Tripathi, Indian Council of ... - 2005 - 420 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned us long back and said that: Community of language is no proof of community of blood or ethnological identity. It is an established fact of anthropology that many savage tongues change their vocabulary almost from ...
Sri Aurobindo warned us long back and said that: Community of language is no proof of community of blood or ethnological identity. It is an established fact of anthropology that many savage tongues change their vocabulary almost from ...
The essential Aurobindo - Page 272 Aurobindo Ghose, Robert A. McDermott - 2001 - 288 pages
Aurobindo warned against comparisons ripped from their evolutionary context, but he surely would have seen the merit in exploring possible points of corroboration between his spiritual vision and contemporary spiritual insights in other ...
Aurobindo warned against comparisons ripped from their evolutionary context, but he surely would have seen the merit in exploring possible points of corroboration between his spiritual vision and contemporary spiritual insights in other ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 - 167 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned us that "spiritual life must necessarily (not) be a life of ascetic spareness, a pushing away of all that is not needed for the bare maintenance of the body..." (The Life Divine
, 1066). Spiritual life flows from the ...
Sri Aurobindo warned us that "spiritual life must necessarily (not) be a life of ascetic spareness, a pushing away of all that is not needed for the bare maintenance of the body..." (The Life Divine
Writing initially in 1921, well in advance of Independence but already anticipating the problems to come in the aftermath of national liberation, Aurobindo warned of the way in which education in the hands of the state would essentially ...
The concept of India 1998 - 105 pages
But Aurobindo warned at the same time that "industry can only become again beautiful if poverty and the struggle for life are eliminated from society and the co-operative state and commune organised as the fruit of a great moral and ...
But Aurobindo warned at the same time that "industry can only become again beautiful if poverty and the struggle for life are eliminated from society and the co-operative state and commune organised as the fruit of a great moral and ...
The Political Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita A.V. Reddy - 1997
- 180 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned that science has encouraged economic barbarism, "which is now progressing to its culmination and its close. This economic barbarism is essentially that of the vital man who mistakes the vital being for the self and ...
Sri Aurobindo warned that science has encouraged economic barbarism, "which is now progressing to its culmination and its close. This economic barbarism is essentially that of the vital man who mistakes the vital being for the self and ...
Beyond man: life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Georges van Vrekhem - 1997 - 544 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned his disciples: 'Seriously, these historical identifications are a perilous game and open a hundred doors to the play of imagination'36 — a perilous play for those who want to know and master themselves integrally. ...
Sri Aurobindo warned his disciples: 'Seriously, these historical identifications are a perilous game and open a hundred doors to the play of imagination'36 — a perilous play for those who want to know and master themselves integrally. ...
A house in Pondicherry Lee Langley - 1995 - 275 pages
Aurobindo warned the country that this would happen if they could not live together in harmony, as Gandhi had warned before him. And elsewhere, are things any better? In your part of the world? Civil war, slaughter. ...
Aurobindo warned the country that this would happen if they could not live together in harmony, as Gandhi had warned before him. And elsewhere, are things any better? In your part of the world? Civil war, slaughter. ...
Militant nationalism in India, 1876-1947 Amitābha Mukhopādhyāẏa, Institute of ... - 1995
- 598 pages
But Sri Aurobindo warned Bhupendra Kumar at the same time against making a fetish of non-violence, as it would not bring ultimate independence. He further exhorted that this new tide of nationalism must not be allowed to break or its ...
But Sri Aurobindo warned Bhupendra Kumar at the same time against making a fetish of non-violence, as it would not bring ultimate independence. He further exhorted that this new tide of nationalism must not be allowed to break or its ...
Sri Venkateswara University oriental journal Sri Venkatesvara University . Oriental Research ... - 1993
But Aurobindo warned at the same tune that 'industry can only become again beautiful if poverty and the struggle for life are eliminated from society and the co-operative state and commune organised as the fruit of a great moral and ...
But Aurobindo warned at the same tune that 'industry can only become again beautiful if poverty and the struggle for life are eliminated from society and the co-operative state and commune organised as the fruit of a great moral and ...
Perspectives on Vedānta: essays in honor of Professor P.T. Raju Poolla Tirupati Raju, S. S. Rama Rao Pappu - 1988 - 206 pages
Aurobindo warned, "But if in passing from one domain to another we renounce what has already been given us from eagerness for our new attainment, if in reaching the mental life we cast away or belittle the physical life which is our ...
Aurobindo warned, "But if in passing from one domain to another we renounce what has already been given us from eagerness for our new attainment, if in reaching the mental life we cast away or belittle the physical life which is our ...
Philosophy and the self: East and West - Page 148 Troy Wilson Organ - 1987
- 239 pages
The physical body — the most immediate form in which the principle of matter is presented to man — is to be neither neglected nor despised. Aurobindo warned that "if we reject the mental and physical in our attraction to the spiritual, ...
The physical body — the most immediate form in which the principle of matter is presented to man — is to be neither neglected nor despised. Aurobindo warned that "if we reject the mental and physical in our attraction to the spiritual, ...
The Yoga of Knowledge - Page 97 M. P. Pandit - 1986 - 280 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned us against this facile assumption long ago. He said that theLeague of Nations was doomed to go because of its inherent contradictions, so another cataclysm became inevitable and the UNO came. ...
Sri Aurobindo warned us against this facile assumption long ago. He said that the
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
... election to the Subjects Committee should be "regulated by the principles of democratic representation, not of oligarchic nomination". Two days later, on8 April 1908 , Sri Aurobindo warned again that the attempt of ...
... election to the Subjects Committee should be "regulated by the principles of democratic representation, not of oligarchic nomination". Two days later, on
Sri Aurobindo warned more than once against readers indiscriminately applying to themselves what had been written in a particular context: It is not always safe to apply practically to oneself what has been written for another. ...
Modern Indian political thought Sankar Ghose - 1984 - 509 pages
In India there was still the saving wisdom, the wisdom gathered and garnered by her priest- philosophers, the builders of the Vedas, the thinkers of the Upanishads. Therefore, Aurobindo warned his countrymen against ...
In India there was still the saving wisdom, the wisdom gathered and garnered by her priest- philosophers, the builders of the Vedas, the thinkers of the Upanishads. Therefore, Aurobindo warned his countrymen against ...
Swami Vivekananda and Indian nationalism Subodh Chandra Sen Gupta - 1984 - 170 pages
Aurobindo warned both the communities that this was the thin end of the wedge, which, when driven home, would break growing Indian nationality into a hundred jarring pieces. Hindu politicians spoke glibly of Passive Resistance, ...
Aurobindo warned both the communities that this was the thin end of the wedge, which, when driven home, would break growing Indian nationality into a hundred jarring pieces. Hindu politicians spoke glibly of Passive Resistance, ...
Triveni 1983
At this critical moment Sri Aurobindo warned thatIndia must defend herself by reshaping her culture-forms to express more powerfully, intimately and perfectly her ancient ideal. Her aggression must lead the waves of the light liberated ...
At this critical moment Sri Aurobindo warned that
Sri Aurobindo's integral approach to political thought Shiva Kumar Mital - 1981 - 268 pages
Sri Aurobindo warned his countrymen not to imitate the capitalist system of the West because it intensifies competitive egoism. As he wrote, "In commerce also so long as we follow the European spirit and European model, the individual ...
Sri Aurobindo warned his countrymen not to imitate the capitalist system of the West because it intensifies competitive egoism. As he wrote, "In commerce also so long as we follow the European spirit and European model, the individual ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1981
He publicly expressed his views on the Second World War, the Cripps Mission and the Korean war. It is also interesting to note that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation of Communist China's expansionist design inAsia as early as 1950...
He publicly expressed his views on the Second World War, the Cripps Mission and the Korean war. It is also interesting to note that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation of Communist China's expansionist design in
The Brahmavadin Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee ... - 1980
It is also worth realizing that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation about the nature ofChina as an expansionist power as early as 1950. In fact Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian Nation about the exact nature of Communist China's ...
It is also worth realizing that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation about the nature of
The Oracle Netaji Research Bureau - 1979
Condemning the activities of the Congress Aurobindo warned his countrymen by saying that 'the proletariat is the real key' ; Vivekananda observed that concentration of power and knowledge in a select section of society might be ...
Condemning the activities of the Congress Aurobindo warned his countrymen by saying that 'the proletariat is the real key' ; Vivekananda observed that concentration of power and knowledge in a select section of society might be ...
Himmat 1978
...China invaded Tibet in 1950, two great sons of India — Sardar Patel and SriAurobindo — warned Mr Nehru. On November 7, Sardar Patel, Deputy Prime Minister, wrote a "strictly confidential" letter, in which he warned Mr Nehru in ...
Another time, another place: selected writings of Rajika Kirpalani Rajika Kirpalani - 1975 - 125 pages
Long ago, Sri Aurobindo warned, "Whenever we strive to do anything, after the first rush of enthusiasm is spent, a paralysing helplessness seizes upon us. We often see in the cases of old men full of years and ...
Long ago, Sri Aurobindo warned, "Whenever we strive to do anything, after the first rush of enthusiasm is spent, a paralysing helplessness seizes upon us. We often see in the cases of old men full of years and ...
Dialogues and perspectives Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1975 - 219 pages
Drawing attention to this possible deviation Sri Aurobindo warned as early as 1948: " In this hour, in the second year of its liberation, the nation, has to awaken to many more very considerable problems, to vast possibilities opening ...
Drawing attention to this possible deviation Sri Aurobindo warned as early as 1948: " In this hour, in the second year of its liberation, the nation, has to awaken to many more very considerable problems, to vast possibilities opening ...
Gandhi marg 1974
In his message forIndia 's independence day, 15 August 1947 , Sri Aurobindo warned the people that this was only a first step. For he said: "The final dream was a step in evolution which would raise man to a higher and larger ...
In his message for
Twelve years with Sri Aurobindo Nirodbaran - 1973 - 306 pages
When he offered to wash the 'Father's' clothes, Sri Aurobindo warned him that he would be mocked, but that did not deter him. He had gone without food and sleep, had not moved from his place lest the Master should need something or ...
When he offered to wash the 'Father's' clothes, Sri Aurobindo warned him that he would be mocked, but that did not deter him. He had gone without food and sleep, had not moved from his place lest the Master should need something or ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1973
It is also worth mentioning that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation about the nature of China as an expansionist power as early as 1950. Whether we agree or disagree with Sri Aurobindo, the point worth stressing is that Sri ... The Indian libertarian 1972
It is also worth mentioning that Sri Aurobindo warned the Indian nation about the nature of China as an expansionist power as early as 1950. Whether we agree or disagree with Sri Aurobindo, the point worth stressing is that Sri ... The Indian libertarian 1972
Equals one Sri Aurobindo Society, World Union, World Goodwill - 1971
Sri Aurobindo warned his disciples that his teaching was not the formula for a new religion, not a doctrine; that his work did not consist in erecting a mausoleum of words. Sri Aurobindo embodies a new level of consciousness, ...
Sri Aurobindo warned his disciples that his teaching was not the formula for a new religion, not a doctrine; that his work did not consist in erecting a mausoleum of words. Sri Aurobindo embodies a new level of consciousness, ...
The Progress of education 1970
Sri Aurobindo warned that the danger of moral text books is that they make the thinking of high things mechnical and artificial, and "whatever is mechanical or artificial is inoperative for good. ...
Sri Aurobindo warned that the danger of moral text books is that they make the thinking of high things mechnical and artificial, and "whatever is mechanical or artificial is inoperative for good. ...
Mahatma Gandhi and the cooperative movement B. K. Sinha - 1970 - 184 pages
... among the people about freedom from British rule. Lokmanya Tilak had launched the struggle for freedom saying "Freedom isIndia 's birth-right and she will have it cost what it may". Aurobindo warned the nation in these words, ...
... among the people about freedom from British rule. Lokmanya Tilak had launched the struggle for freedom saying "Freedom is
Mother India: monthly review of culture Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1969
There is in fact no special and exclusive form of Supramental Yoga: all ways can lead to the Supermind, just as all ways can lead to the Divine.' "So I think the matter ends here. Sri Aurobindo warned us and gave his final word which we ...
There is in fact no special and exclusive form of Supramental Yoga: all ways can lead to the Supermind, just as all ways can lead to the Divine.' "So I think the matter ends here. Sri Aurobindo warned us and gave his final word which we ...
The flute calls still: letters on yoga Dilip Kumar Roy - 1964 - 358 pages
in another message, (quoting from the address he sent in 1948 to be read at the Convocation at the Andhra University on December, 1948 — his last public utterance before his passing in 1950) Sri Aurobindo warned us: "It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away her spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world there is more and more a turning towards ...
in another message, (quoting from the address he sent in 1948 to be read at the Convocation at the Andhra University on December, 1948 — his last public utterance before his passing in 1950) Sri Aurobindo warned us: "It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away her spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world there is more and more a turning towards ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1952
People will see how in every letter Sri Aurobindo warned him about the danger that might befall him, his rajasic ego that might swallow him and that he and others of his camp might fall away from Sri Aurobindo by ...
People will see how in every letter Sri Aurobindo warned him about the danger that might befall him, his rajasic ego that might swallow him and that he and others of his camp might fall away from Sri Aurobindo by ...
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