Friday, September 10, 2021

It's not the case that Sri Aurobindo alone could visualise Swaraj

Listen to "The Attempt to Change Human Nature at All Levels of the Being" by Sri Aurobindo Studies.

Rashtram School of Public Leadership @rashtramspl ·Sep 9
We are pleased to announce the launch of our webinar series #Vaicariki as part of #SriAurobindo's 150th birth anniversary celebrations. The first webinar will be on the topic ‘Integrality of the New Education Policy’ on 13 Sep. Register here:

1- India is not to follow the west – Sri Aurobindo 2 – Sri Aurobindo and Capitalism 3 – Crisis of Capitalism, Socialism – Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo was a great Yogi that the world has ever seen. Without knowing Sri Aurobindo, India is illetrate. An illetrate person has to first learn a, b, c and then learn to read and write to become literate – a nation has to first learn the rudimentaries of precious knowledge and then learn to gain a mastery over that to make use of that knowledge. Knowledge is power – more powerful than atom bomb.

Sri Aurobindo has emphatically said that the socialistic ideals (sharing for common good of humanity in place of mutual economic exploitation) are inevitable to take place on earth and that it is better that the same may be achieved willingly through an Asian way of inner spiritual conscious decision rather than imposed on humanity by force by a socialist World-State.

Sri Aurobindo while dealing with the ideal of human unity saw an unfolding of the self-consciousness of social being, which started with its tentative steps in ancient social institutions and would culminate in a World-State under either of these two rival principles – the principle of Natural violent social convulsion or a willing choice of social being. In this process, he saw Socialism as an inevitable outcome of the struggle between Capital and Labor and said that Democracy and Socialism are the sign that this self-consciousness of social being is begining to ripen into fullness. In his writings we can find a clue of what is impending for this unfolding self-consciousness of social being and get guidance for the future of our social life as a race.

We would refer to Sri Aurobindo from “Ideal of Human Unity” on pages 463-502 where he says that if the mechanical or state principle is followed (that is, if the inner spiritual principle is not followed) for the unification of humanity, then, the great struggle between Capital and Labor might become rapidly world-wide; it would precipitate the inevitable step or present the crisis, which would bring about the transformation of nation states into the world state of a socialist kind. He said that the socialistic, scientific, humanitarian thinkers were able to detect the trend of such tendencies and to dream of nation states transforming into a socialistic world state; that such speculation may seem chimerical and utopian to a person who only looks to today and tomorrow but in reality it is nothing of the kind; and that in essence (but not necessarily in form) such results are not only the logical outcome, but the inevitable practical last end of the incipient urge towards human unity. We would quote Sri Aurobindo on this aspect in the next article of this series.

Make Sri Aurobindo a compulsory and universal part of education in India – an education that teaches that there are better objective to achieve in life than earning wealth. It can be done! Sri Aurobindo can be made a part of education. Such a move, teaching Sri Aurobindo, would on its own strength spread through out the world, like a wave. It would create better human beings – human beings motivated in their life and activities not by Vital force of desire to earn more wealth but by the better force of Divine urge.

It would be laying down the foundation of a new civilization in India, which is different from the west. Such education would create new values in the human minds. It will propel people here to put in place different considerstions to move their life snd activities. It is the meaning in the social context of “India not following the west”. All civilizations are founded on education. It is a long process. Every process has a starting point. Impossible things are not done in a day – they take time and they have a starting point.
Sri Aurobindo and Capitalism (2)
"Indian" Races and "Castes" Living Around the World: How to Find Them?

ICIS Courses CERTIFIED by AURO University -

Pakarchakal Meypayattu via

It's upon each individual; each one has his own pace of progress. So there's no we, no uniformity. [Matthew 6:24 - Bible “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both]
Rainbow & the Other: Bipin Chandra Pal articulated with greater eloquence the idea of Swaraj
[Therefore it's not the case as Pradhan claims of all the Extremist leaders, Aurobindo alone could visualise Swaraj in the form of absolute political independence]
Evergreen Essays: Polar difference between Vivekananda’s idea and Kendra's
[Kendra lays its stress upon Hindu nation. Vivekananda did not want confrontation with other faith or religion. He was a man for tolerance, openness, nonsectarian and a true Hindu.]

Savitri Era Religious Fraternity: Inseparability of aesthetics and spiritual experience
Collated by TNM @NathTusar Director, SELF-2005, Savitri Era Religion (2006), and Savitri Era Party (2007) 
Savitri Era of those who adore, 
Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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