Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Culture of hurt sentiments has to end

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

No idea or individual should be above criticism. That includes the great Dr Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Phule, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, etc. I would also add religious figures, whether prophets or devi devatas. This culture of hurt sentiments in India has to end. Draconian laws like 295a, 253a, or certain provisions in the SC/ST atrocities act are anti democracy. Yes, we will have certain individuals saying crass things. But that does not mean we should jail them. Outside of a call to violence (Brandenburg vs Ohio), everything should be allowed. The latest arrest in Maharashtra is another one of those excessive use of draconian laws. But the tragedy in India is both the left and non-left are without principles. They don't want the provisions to be diluted. They just don't want them to be used on their so-called team/individual they like. Until Indians don't understand FOE conceptually this will happen time and again. As my dear friend @ARanganathan72 said once, the only reason why some of us are not in jail is that the state in its wisdom has decided not to use these draconian laws against us as of now. So fight the source itself. Don't tell me the SC/ST act has draconian provisions but 295a and 153a are fine. They are all problematic and need to go.


Your discomfort is not a legitimate argument. When someone told the late great Christopher Hitchens that his sentiments are hurt by Hitchens he gave a simple reply. 

"If someone tells me that I've hurt their feelings, I say, 'I'm still waiting to hear what your point is.'

In this country, I've been told, 'That's offensive' as if those two words constitute an argument or a comment. Not to me they don't.

And I'm not running for anything, so I don't have to pretend to like people when I don't."


Show me one such tweet. I never said insulting is ideal. I said it should be legal. But you're too unintelligent to get these concepts. I'll mute you and move on because post this tweet engaging with you means I'll lose IQ ppints.


No you morons Modi Ji is not above criticism. But you cannot harm Indian interests by siding with India's enemies and peddling constant fake news and then expect to get an OCI. Go and check what these pieces of human debris have been peddling.


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