Empire, the national, and the postcolonial, 1890-1920: resistance ... - Page 109 Elleke Boehmer - 2005 - 239 pages
self-conscious, self-directed, self-controlled'. Their joint focus on an integral cultural nationalism reminds us that one of the major points of textual conjunction between Nivedita and Aurobindo emerged in part (even if only in part) out of the shaping influence on both thinkers, of Irish nationalism, or at least of their perceptions of Irish nationalism (as well as, secondarily, ...
self-conscious, self-directed, self-controlled'. Their joint focus on an integral cultural nationalism reminds us that one of the major points of textual conjunction between Nivedita and Aurobindo emerged in part (even if only in part) out of the shaping influence on both thinkers, of Irish nationalism, or at least of their perceptions of Irish nationalism (as well as, secondarily, ...
A history of India - Page 291 Hermann Kulke, Dietmar Rothermund - 2004 - 432 pages
Tilak and Aurobindo emerged as the leaders of the 'Extremist' faction. Tilak, however, was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in 1908; Aurobindo escaped arrest only by fleeing to Pondichery in 1910. While he had been a prophet of a ...
Tilak and Aurobindo emerged as the leaders of the 'Extremist' faction. Tilak, however, was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in 1908; Aurobindo escaped arrest only by fleeing to Pondichery in 1910. While he had been a prophet of a ...
Swami Vivekananda: messiah of resurgent India - Page 319, P. R. Bhuyan
- 2003 - 389 pages
RR Diwakar has also observed, "Aurobindo emerged from Alipore a changed man Jail had not only given him a vision of God but had also transformed him from a flaming agitator into a mature and serene political philosopher. ...
RR Diwakar has also observed, "Aurobindo emerged from Alipore a changed man Jail had not only given him a vision of God but had also transformed him from a flaming agitator into a mature and serene political philosopher. ...
Bengalis: The People, Their History and Culture - Page 32 S.N. Das - 2002 - 284 pages
and finally approved of the Bengali extremists' programme of boycott, Swadeshi and non-violent civil disobedience. It was at this time that Sri Aurobindo emerged as a leader of the Bengali youth, urging the transformation of the ... Page 142 Aurobindo, like Tilak, outwardly, laid stress on a bloodless revolution in his public utterances, but the secret activities of both indicated a different policy. By 1906 Aurobindo emerged as the spiritual father of the new cult of ... The Bengal revolutionaries and freedom movement Dalia Ray - 1990 - 204 pages
Contemporary religious movement in India: vis-a-vis Ramakrishna ..., Ananda
- 2000 - 349 pages
So it is not surprising that having been born and brought up in such a rebellious atmosphere and surroundings, the personality of Sri Aurobindo emerged out fully equipped to face the demands of the times and the society's new ...
and finally approved of the Bengali extremists' programme of boycott, Swadeshi and non-violent civil disobedience. It was at this time that Sri Aurobindo emerged as a leader of the Bengali youth, urging the transformation of the ... Page 142 Aurobindo, like Tilak, outwardly, laid stress on a bloodless revolution in his public utterances, but the secret activities of both indicated a different policy. By 1906 Aurobindo emerged as the spiritual father of the new cult of ... The Bengal revolutionaries and freedom movement Dalia Ray - 1990 - 204 pages
Contemporary religious movement in India: vis-a-vis Ramakrishna ..., Ananda
So it is not surprising that having been born and brought up in such a rebellious atmosphere and surroundings, the personality of Sri Aurobindo emerged out fully equipped to face the demands of the times and the society's new ...
Philosophers and religious leaders - Page 17 Christian D. Von Dehsen - 1999 - 246 pages
From 1908 to 1909 he was jailed for sedition, during which time he began to practice yoga and experience anew some of the religious teachings of Hinduism. Aurobindo emerged convinced thatIndia 's spiritual tradition could serve the ...
From 1908 to 1909 he was jailed for sedition, during which time he began to practice yoga and experience anew some of the religious teachings of Hinduism. Aurobindo emerged convinced that
Godly men and their golden works, Maharajapuram Natarajan Krishnamani
- 1998 - 841 pages
Physical immortality was never considered as achievable by man till Sri Aurobindo emerged. Efforts were made here and there, by man to attain physical immortality. But ultimately, every man including even those ...
Physical immortality was never considered as achievable by man till Sri Aurobindo emerged. Efforts were made here and there, by man to attain physical immortality. But ultimately, every man including even those ...
Social Roles Of The Gita - Page 142 Satya P. Agarwal - 1998 - 475 pages
this historic event "an ironic twist of destiny" by virtue of which the Judge trying the case was one Mr. Beachcroft who was atCambridge with Aurobindo and had stood second to him in Greek. Aurobindo emerged from the Alipur jail with the firm conviction that he was merely an instrument in the hands of the Divine, and that the Divine power was intimately and irrevocably working in the national movement, the success of which... The social message of the Gita: symbolized as lokasaṁgraha : ... - Page 100 Satya P. Agarwal - 1995 - 213 pages [The Message of the Gita
Anilbaran Roy]
this historic event "an ironic twist of destiny" by virtue of which the Judge trying the case was one Mr. Beachcroft who was at
Life writing from the Pacific Rim: essays from Japan, China, ... - Page 56 Stanley Schab, George Simson - 1997 - 99 pages
From being a strong advocate of militant nationalism, Sri Aurobindo emerged as an apostle of a new creative effort to discover the vast potential in every one. His change from revolutionary to prophet of divine consciousness made him ...
From being a strong advocate of militant nationalism, Sri Aurobindo emerged as an apostle of a new creative effort to discover the vast potential in every one. His change from revolutionary to prophet of divine consciousness made him ...
The white woman's other burden: Western women and South Asia ... - Page 210 Kumari Jayawardena - 1995 - 310 pages
written in 1905, which the British authorities produced as evidence against Aurobindo in later years. Aurobindo emerged as a leading "extremist" working in both legal and illegal organizations.: In 1908, he and other revolutionaries were arrested after a bomb intended for the District Magistrate of Muzaffarpur had killed two British ...
written in 1905, which the British authorities produced as evidence against Aurobindo in later years. Aurobindo emerged as a leading "extremist" working in both legal and illegal organizations.: In 1908, he and other revolutionaries were arrested after a bomb intended for the District Magistrate of Muzaffarpur had killed two British ...
Sri Aurobindo's plays: a thematic study, Sheo Jaiswal
- 1993 - 260 pages
drama has had to remain content only with the crumbs fallen from its rich cousin's table. Such having been the condition of Indian English drama when Sri Aurobindo emerged on the scene, one can reasonably commend ...
drama has had to remain content only with the crumbs fallen from its rich cousin's table. Such having been the condition of Indian English drama when Sri Aurobindo emerged on the scene, one can reasonably commend ...
By insinuating faith in "the world's mystic will that loves and labours", in " the immortality that thinks" in us, "that plans and reasons" and dwells in our secret souls, Sri Aurobindo emerges in the play as a singer of faith and love. ...
The doctrine of māyā in Advaita Vedānta, D. R. Satapathy
- 1992 - 191 pages
Renovation achieved in Sri Aurobindo: Maya, the movement of Omniscience-Precept ion of a process, a law. Sri Aurobindo emerges as a landmark in the Indian tradition, perhaps the only combined talent to prove with experiment to the ever ...
Renovation achieved in Sri Aurobindo: Maya, the movement of Omniscience-Precept ion of a process, a law. Sri Aurobindo emerges as a landmark in the Indian tradition, perhaps the only combined talent to prove with experiment to the ever ...
Aurobindo's philosophy of Brahman - Page 90, Stephen H. Phillips
- 1986 - 200 pages
Through the popularity of Bande Mataram
and the notoriety of his sedition case, Aurobindo emerged as a leader of the Nationalist Party in Bengal . He began to work closely with the veteran Nationalist politician, Bal Gangadhar Tilak. ... [Bande Mataram' and Indian Nationalism (1906-1908). Being a study in the ideas of India's First Freedom Movement based on those rare editorial articles of Sri Audobindo and Bepin Chandra Pal which first appeared in the famous "Bande Mataram" daily between 1906 and 1908.
Uma; Haridas Mukherjee Mukherjee (1957)]
Through the popularity of Bande Mataram
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
the second great Yogic realisation, the prolonged trial, and the honourable acquittal. May 1909-February 1910: Sri Aurobindo emerged from prison a changed man with an accession of spiritual strength and a new serenity, ...
the second great Yogic realisation, the prolonged trial, and the honourable acquittal. May 1909-February 1910: Sri Aurobindo emerged from prison a changed man with an accession of spiritual strength and a new serenity, ...
Sri Aurobindo, his life unique Rishabhchand - 1981 - 427 pages
But before we begin a study of his political thought and life, it would be well to cast a glance at the religious, social, and political changes which had been taking place in India before Sri Aurobindo emerged, first as a political thinker , and then, as the most original and powerful exponent of spiritual nationalism. Rapid and revolutionary, indeed, were these changes ...
But before we begin a study of his political thought and life, it would be well to cast a glance at the religious, social, and political changes which had been taking place in India before Sri Aurobindo emerged, first as a political thinker
Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- 1974 - 346 pages
A "Special Correspondent" reported in the & … August 1972) at the end of the Seminar: Si" "Aurobindo emerged as the polymath he really was under " ...
A "Special Correspondent" reported in the & … August 1972) at the end of the Seminar: Si" "Aurobindo emerged as the polymath he really was under " ...
Bengal: change and continuity, Ingrid Aall
- 1971 - 270 pages
His visions and communications with God were the good that came out of the evil of imprisonment and were the basis for his claim that a new man, a new Aurobindo emerged from the Alipore Ashram in May 1909. l28 When Aurobindo came out of ...
His visions and communications with God were the good that came out of the evil of imprisonment and were the basis for his claim that a new man, a new Aurobindo emerged from the Alipore Ashram in May 1909. l28 When Aurobindo came out of ...
Religious movements in modern Bengal, Benoy Gopal Ray
- 1965 - 244 pages
Aurobindo emerged out of the Jail, a changed man. He now became drawn to spiritual Sadhana. He had spent about ten months before he retired from active politics. During these months he made valuable contribution toIndia 's freedom ...
Aurobindo emerged out of the Jail, a changed man. He now became drawn to spiritual Sadhana. He had spent about ten months before he retired from active politics. During these months he made valuable contribution to
Makers of modern India: being profiles of 25 celebrities, Trimbak Vishnu Parvate
- 1964 - 160 pages
But all was to no avail and Aurobindo emerged innocent, unscathed and triumphant . ... Aurobindo emerged from Alipore a changed man and stepped into a changed India . Jail had not only given him a vision of God but had also transformed ...
But all was to no avail and Aurobindo emerged innocent, unscathed and triumphant
The Vedanta kesari Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras - 1973
He experienced the charms of the ineffable unitive life. For him, the jail, the jailor, the police, the court, the accuser, the thief, etc. were all Narayana, whom he found in ' darkened souls and misused bodies.' Sri Aurobindo emerged from the jail with a sense of widened horizons which profoundly influenced his future life. Aurobindo Ghosh was born inCalcutta on 15th August, 1872 , as the third son of Dr. ...
He experienced the charms of the ineffable unitive life. For him, the jail, the jailor, the police, the court, the accuser, the thief, etc. were all Narayana, whom he found in ' darkened souls and misused bodies.' Sri Aurobindo emerged from the jail with a sense of widened horizons which profoundly influenced his future life. Aurobindo Ghosh was born in
Modern Asian studies JSTOR (Organization) - 1980
When Aurobindo emerged from jail in May, 1909, after his acquittal for lack of evidence, he found that the atmosphere of the country had changed and nationalist enthusiasm had ebbed. In 1910 he left forPondicherry , a small piece of ...
When Aurobindo emerged from jail in May, 1909, after his acquittal for lack of evidence, he found that the atmosphere of the country had changed and nationalist enthusiasm had ebbed. In 1910 he left for
Proceedings Graciela de la Lama, Colegio de México - 1982 - 94 pages
When Aurobindo emerged from jail in May, 1909, after his acquittal for lack …
When Aurobindo emerged from jail in May, 1909, after his acquittal for lack …
The Calcutta historical journal University of Calcutta - 1998
Aurobindo emerges as a tantalising figure in the firmament of ...
Aurobindo emerges as a tantalising figure in the firmament of ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1984
Sri Aurobindo emerges as a great formulator of the Art and Science of Aesthetics , who brought to bear on the subject the intensity of bis experience as a creative writer, the knowledge gained through his mastery of Yoga, ...
Sri Aurobindo emerges as a great formulator of the Art and Science of Aesthetics
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1970
It is mainly by virtue of this insistence on man's more glorious future that Sri Aurobindo's later poetry is futurist." He takes up a number of poems and shows how Sri Aurobindo emerges not as a 'philosophical ...
It is mainly by virtue of this insistence on man's more glorious future that Sri Aurobindo's later poetry is futurist." He takes up a number of poems and shows how Sri Aurobindo emerges not as a 'philosophical ...
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