Friday, December 29, 2023

Just two years of hard work

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

The peopling of Oceania was the most impressive settlement in human history. It happened across a huge sea, and relied on knowledge of where the sun, stars, moon and planets rise and set.

Now those skills are being revived among a new generation

Done by Indian origin indigenes of Australia and Polynesian islanders. Similarly navigation across Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean following monsoon winds by Indian sailors. Euros never sailed out of sight of land until sine tables calculated by kerala astronomers were available

Worldwide airport food expenses are around 1.5 to 2 times normal price. Indian airports are 4 to 6 times. Organised Loot. Must be going to Electoral bonds.

It’s SO SO important for anyone to prepare for a competitive exam before your 20s, Just those two years of hard work prepares fighters for life, you might make it to your dream college or could tragically miss it, but that effort, that fight will see you through life. 

Eventually those people always succeed and at least reach the median of the batch of their dream college they missed.

6-7 yrs of life, between 15 and 22 yrs of age - X, XII, undergrad, post-grad - the crucial-est yrs for anyone not member of the lucky sperms' club (or 20 sigma outliers like Einstein). India offers a grt deal to those kids who make that investment...

The government funded “hoarding” and manipulation by the Ispahani company was a major factor behind the Bengal Famine of 1943. It was pointed out on the floor of Bengal Assembly by Nalinaksha Sanyal and SP Mookerjee. Barabazaar had nothing to do with it. Here are the records

My column for @opinion_tt 

“Our struggle today cannot be limited to one political party or its affiliates. Many who cannot be categorised as Right, Centre or Left are showing us their real cards. Cards that are monochrome”

The Bourne Legacy "We are the sin eaters. It means that we take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us, so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible, and absolutely necessary.” The Bourne Legacy, which was kind of spin off is actually my favorite in the Bourne series. Watched it many times. The immorality of Edward Norton, the taking out of a drone with a rifle, the lab, the viral factory in Manila and then the assassin on streets. Top notch stuff. Then there is the key question of how do democratic rule based societies defend themselves against despicable nihilist individuals and groups which exist with a singular aim to destroy our way of life. Someone needs to take it to them.

Do you feel despondent witnessing the plight of whites? Watch amazing scene from Addio Africa (1966) showing what a "miracle" South Africa was under white rule. Way documentary suddenly moves from black chaos to white female beauty is very powerful. 

So @JayantBhandari5 was telling the truth: Tribalistic, savagery, and barbarism.

With the institutions that the British left behind hollowed out and social opprobrium now gone, India is becoming Zimbabwe. Indians, as with most Third World people, prefer their own kind of people. This is not because they care about their own kind but because they feel at home with them and know how to exploit them. Indian IQ is 77. That makes anything to do with the mind difficult. The biological instincts are all that is left and assert themselves unhindered from the discipline that the mind could otherwise impose. The only hope was from the opprobrium that the colonizers had instituted. Thanks for the article. I am indeed on the side of those who consider Indians as "primitive, savage, uncivilized, and vicious."

Hindus claim to be tolerant, an image they have created in Europe. In reality, they are perhaps the most intolerant. Their relationships are based on caste, religion, what you eat, language, etc. For example, these questions and many more will be asked if you rent a house. They come across as tolerant because they are fragmented, atomized, and sheepish. They pose a limited risk, but once their jingoism and Hindutava have crystalized, the world will see the truth. From my next article: Across the spectrum of class hierarchy, you see an absence of interest in anything but money, with the bureaucrats and the police, given their lack of accountability, being outright predatory, asking for bribes on every occasion, and without an iota of inhibitions or shame in exploiting, including sexually, those who are weak. I prefer to call the Indian government the Bribe Collection Agency.

This was indeed true. But I have been to 100 countries and, except for rare cases (North Korea and DRC), have not seen India-kind of lawlessness, oppression, servility, exploitation, etc. But for some shoe-shining of their junkie, braindead brown sahibs is somehow palatable.

यह बठिंडा का अजीत रोड है। विदेश भेजने की फ़ैक्ट्री। इस एक इलाक़े में सैंकड़ों की संख्या में कोचिंग संस्थान IELTS की परीक्षा की तैयारी कराते हैं। गुजरात और आंध्र प्रदेश में भी ऐसी फ़ैक्ट्री है। भारत की नागरिकता छोड़ने की अजीब होड़ है। मौक़ा मिले तो लगता है सारे एयरपोर्ट पहुँच जाएँगे।

अच्छे अवसरों की तलाश में ज़रूर विदेश जाना चाहिए और मौक़ा मिले तो बस जाना चाहिए इसमें ग़लत नहीं। लेकिन यह पलायन इसलिए हो रहा है क्योंकि यहाँ के कॉलेज ख़त्म हो रहे हैं। अच्छी सैलरी की नौकरियों की उम्मीद नारायण नारायण हो चुकी है। मूर्ति बनने से अच्छा है कनाडा चलो। 

अब तो भारत सरकार भी विदेशों में मज़दूर भेजने जा रही है। पलायन को पिछड़ापन बताने वाले भी पलायन करवाने में लगे हैं। सही है। 

बाक़ी इस रिपोर्ट में है। 



They don't believe in delegating work

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

1. This is true for most of the west, not just the states. 

2. One can engage in such hobbies when one has a decent amount of disposable income, solid infrastructure and availability of all the requisite space, materials, tools and equipment. India hasn’t reached that level.

3. This is also a cultural thing that has developed over the last 150-200 years. In that time, india and Indian society has only seen assault and occupation while the west has had time to develop and create a people who have the free time and money to engage in such activities.

4. Finally, necessity - unlike India, in the west population is limited and labour is expensive. Therefore, people like to do a lot of stuff on their own. This also then becomes an activity, turning a chore/requirement into a fun experience. 

Things aren’t so black and white.

To add to this - I suggest you read about the life of the average American 100-150 years ago. Hunting and fishing weren’t activities, and a father-son duo didn’t make tables to “bond” or “do something together”. Back then, the average American broke his back to feed his family.

Construct & Repair stuff is not just an American thing - Europe, East Asia, Australia etc have that mentality in abundance too. Labour and those who do it are cheap in the eyes of caste -ridden Indians.

It's not a feudal society. They don't believe in delegating work, unless really necessary. Also the American spirit of building something from scratch.

To add to this - if you think this is crazy, wait till you see what the average European does in their free time. It is common for everyone from little kids to adults to go for long treks in the mountains, skiing, or backpacking around the world and playing a sport.

I’ve always been fascinated by how outdoor-oriented Americans are. They’ll go fishing and hunting on weekends (??) they construct and repair stuff frequently and they have much less of an aversion to the trades?? We went to the states and one of my dad’s friends- a true white-collar desk job guy who lived here till he was FIFTY- had constructed and polished a dinner table just for fun?? I admire it so much

The US has a lot of issues but dignity of labour isn't one of them. There's no separate lifts for cleaners like our dirty minded apartment owners have here.

A certain sect of rats abandons art in order to devote more of their time to scrounging for survival. Each generation, a bit less of this sect dies than members of the mainstream, until after a while, no rat composes any art at all, and any sect of rats who try to bring it back will go extinct within a few generations.

In fact, it’s not just art. Any sect at all that is leaner, meaner, and more survivalist than the mainstream will eventually take over. If one sect of rats altruistically decides to limit its offspring to two per couple in order to decrease overpopulation, that sect will die out, swarmed out of existence by its more numerous enemies. If one sect of rats starts practicing cannibalism, and finds it gives them an advantage over their fellows, it will eventually take over and reach fixation. ... 

Like the rats, who gradually lose all values except sheer competition, so companies in an economic environment of sufficiently intense competition are forced to abandon all values except optimizing-for-profit or else be outcompeted by companies that optimized for profit better and so can sell the same service at a lower price.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Unchecked capitalism is a lawless society doomed to self-destruction

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

I didn’t find this article to be very convincing. But setting all that aside, I’ve always found this to be a weird framing. My sense is that growth or is just the normal byproduct of people going about their business as usual.

That's because you're actually a smart person instead of a weird academic and so you understand that capitalism works because it reflects human nature as selected for through thousands of generations of evolution.

If capitalism reflects human nature, why did Europe have to do imperialism to get Asian and African goods before ww1? Why couldn't they just trade?

Hi Nate--long time, no talk.

Genuine question about your view here:

If capitalism simply reflects our biologically-determined nature as humans, why has it only existed for such a tiny sliver of human history?

I think probably the most demonic idea (maybe an actual demon!) to ever inhabit earthly human minds is that "capitalism works because it reflects human nature." Our belief that human beings are just profit-maximizing vice machines is obviously a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Capitalism has only been around for a tiny fraction of recorded history. So, by the same token, human nature is profoundly non-capitalist, as demonstrated by thousands of generations of evolution.

Unless, of course, one subscribes to the long-compromised “end of history” credo. P.S. I don't actually subscribe to any vision of immutable human nature. The last centuries alone have brought such fundamental changes to humanity and society (morality, class structure, relationship patterns, etc.) that I don't think we can claim to know what human nature is.

Really? Looking at pre-agricultural societies, it seems human nature has many and varied facets, with a strong tendency towards collective cooperation and sharing.  

Capitalism seems to atomise us into smaller and smaller units, isolate us into smaller and smaller households.

Persons at 100 B.C. : Slavery reflects human nature

Persons at 1000 A.D. : Feudalism reflects human nature

Persons at 2023 A.D. : Capitalism reflects human nature

Maybe that "human nature" doesn't exist

Capitalism has been the exception rather than the norm. It took over two thousand years of very proactive effort to establish the Social institutions that made capitalism possible.

Human nature is a result of material conditions, not the other way around. Our adaptability and ability to cooperate are major drivers of our success as a species.

Some big assumptions here, Nate. Most of us are motivated by something other than personal profit. Family, duty, community, kindness, faith - none of these are at the heart of capitalism, but they are at the heart of our lives.

I’ve read enough history to know that human nature shouldn’t be used as a model for anything.

It’s why we require laws in our society; to control behavior driven by our baser nature.

A better metaphor for unchecked capitalism is a lawless society, doomed to self-destruction.

Mutuality is the rule and not the exception

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

We often conflate science with technology. Science is the study of existing phenomena in the universe. The methods used to carry out this study have been getting narrower by the day. In the past, the greatest of scientists were philosophers first. Sadly, that trend has changed over the last century. With academic studies getting more niche & disjointed, the capitalist world rewards individuals more than the discovery. So, those in charge of deciding what comes under science, academic philosophers, come up with fancier theories each year. Theories published to pamper one's ego make it into the framework of the scientific method, narrowing the outlook of science, putting the best of religious cults to shame. Human perception is limited. We don't even see or hear beyond a range. And why is the rational part of the brain given more importance than the feeling (intuition) part? If one has read the philosophical works of the Netwons, Pascals & Teslas, one'd understand that these men would be labelled pseudoscientists & dismissed in today's world. That's how open-minded they were. Scientists of the past encouraged crazy & ridiculous ideas for us to have this level of technological advancement. What have we to lose by looking into the ancient philosophies? Isn't that the spirit of science? To keep an open mind, no matter how absurd some ideas sound. As for Gurus, no real Guru asks to be admired/worshiped/listened to. They are a humble lot who give wholeheartedly. The problem is of priests who misinterpret the Hindu texts to exploit people. These self-proclaimed Gurus, reeking of pettiness, are only after power & money.

are we animal or are we angel?

not sure degrowth would work. But there’s no question that the capitalist economy needs to be reined in rather than being allowed to commodify all aspects of human and nonhuman life. Culture and politics ought not to be for sale. Economics should meet needs not invent desires. I'm not opposed to the idea; problem is there is no such thing as the "we" in those sentences. How to take such unprecedented collective action w/o the requisite publics? How to form such publics? The one thing I'd absolutely want to avoid is governments controlling production. They already do to some extent, and it is always bad news (eg, military-industrial complex). Economies cannot be centrally managed without leading to mass starvation and impoverishment (at least, that's the lesson I take from such experiments historically). Threefolding is degrowth by default since it redirects economic activity to the provision of human needs, away from capitalism's need to conjure up evermore new desires in people for products we didn't know we needed until we saw that ad. The creation of new desires is fine, but that ought to be a spiritual/cultural activity, not a for-profit industry.

I'm not trying to put animals down, it's just that if we measure humans by the Darwinian standard, we are doing exactly what we were designed to do (be fruitful and multiply). Also, on that standard, extinction is just how evolution works. Life on Earth will degrow the human. Or, are we spiritual beings? Are we capable of cocreating an economy of virtue instead of vice? And maybe the biological world is not just a competitive blood bath after all? Look again: it may be that mutuality is the rule and not the exception.

Monday, December 25, 2023

We value pedigree dogs more

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

M S Golwalkar aka GuruJi destroyed the original #Hindutva ideology of Dr Hedgewar, gave #PseudoHindutva ideology to @RSSorg and produced zombies who are indoctrinated to parrot the nonsense such as “All Indians have Same DNA”, “All Indians are Hindus”, “Only Upasana Paddhati is different”, “Same Ancestors”, etc.

Watch the video in this quoted posted.
#Vajpayee #atalbiharivajpayeejayanti

Problem is not Hindutva which is a wholesome Sanskrit term for the linguistic hybrid term ‘Hinduism’.

The existential problem for Hindus and Hindu religion emanates from #PseudoHindutva ideology of @RSSorg which was evolved since the days of 2nd Chief Madhav Sadasiv Golwalkar a.k.a GuruJi.

The RSS remained Hindu only for a very brief period of 15 years of its initial existence during the life Param Pujya Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar.

After that it became गोमुख व्याघ्र (cow faced tiger) or wolf in sheep cloth evolving and sharpening #PseudoHindutva ideology by using Hindu language, Hindu idiom and Hindu imagery to promote anti-Hinduism.

Both #PseudoHindutva and its twin #PseudoSecularism are nothing but camouflaged anti-Hinduism. Read this article…

We, the Modern Secular Hindus, are bizarre as we value pedigree dogs more than pedigree Hindus.

We insist on pedigree certificate for buying a puppy, but abuse the Brahmins for maintaining their pedigree that is needed to preserve Vedic knowledge and tradition alive through millennia.

While Secular Indian Governments registers Kennel Clubs to issue pedigree certificates for dogs, but give incentives for inter-caste marriages to destroy the pedigree of citizens.

#Sanghis have successfully put blinkers to Hindus to gaze Hindu religion, society and interests through political perspective rather than seeing politics from Hindu perspective and interests.

And anyone differing with #Sanghis and their #PseudoHindutva ideology are branded, castigated and vilified as Congis, anti-national, etc.

Gullible Hindus have fallen into this #Sanghi trap.

Guha and Thapar

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

It’s painful to listen to #RamachandraGuha. 

He’s excitable, eats the last few words of every sentence and speaks at a pitch which can be exhausting to the ear. 

He says he’s a scholar and not in the business of giving advice but proceeds to do just that through his interview with #KaranThapar. 

To encapsulate the roots as briefly as possible of this section of Indians (at the risk of being judge-y) one can safely assume the first poem they learnt was William Wordsworth’s Daffodils having never actually seen the flower. 

Their understanding of their faith is not Sanatan Dharma but Hindu-ism which is as hazy as Cubism or Modernism. 

In this esoteric ‘religion’ everything convenient is allowed only because it’s simpler to fit in. 

The leitmotiv of their faith being lie down and enjoy it on the high moral ground. 

They usually are also a vociferous votary of the nebulous concept - Idea of India because in reality they have No Idea Of India, being completely deracinated from its culture and history. For them everything is vague because their understanding of it - is vague and limited.

And that brings us back to Guha who takes great pains to explain why Hindu -ism is a ‘disaggregated’ religion. 

Completely overlooking the fact as a ‘historian’ that unlike the proud, imposing temples of the South that still stand tall, where people congregated to celebrate and worship our places of worship up North were desecrated and destroyed. In fact after 12th century, Delhi saw a new temple Laxminarayan Mandir only in 1939! 

There is a reason why we worshipped as discreetly as possible in our Mandirs at home, or tucked away in tiny cubby-hole nukkads, in peepul trees. 

Not because we were ‘disaggregated’ but because we were discriminated. 

A people that paid Jaziya understood all that needed to be done to avoid persecution. 

Stay invisible. 

But then to say that for the likes of Guha - is Hindutva. It disturbs his lifelong well ordered nowhereness and the only person in his eyes to blame for this is Narendra Modi. 

Again missing the point - that the man represents at least a billion Indians who unfortunately for Guha, cannot be wished away.

Karan Thapar is no fun either! With the jaws tightly clenched words ground n passed through that sieve is excruciating on the tympanic membrane! It is a death wish to watch an interview by Karan Thapar +guha!

I agree. It is decades since I watched more than a video clip of his. His mannerisms were much more pronounced earlier made worse by twisting the wrong end of the argument. Yes, watching them both together was like asking to be whipped :-)

[No examples are needed to convey the sheer tedium of NJN’s column: anyone who spent six months walking in the Sahara will know what I’m talking about.]

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Fostering a conducive atmosphere at home

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Stay away from communist leaders like Marx, Mao, and Che Guevara, and also Bhagat Singh, Malcolm X, and similar. Phule, Shahu, Periyar, and Ambedkar were greater revolutionaries than them. Communists are failed people. China turned to capitalism, and there is no communist country worth recognition.

I always ask this question and never get a satisfactory answer hence asking again, who was the equivalent of phule periyar ambedkar from cow respecting hindi speaking belt. If not then why ?

I can offer some a sociopolitical hypothesis (to be proved or falsified with help of recorded or assumed history):

1. Political: In order to have the kind of toxic ideology rooted in hatred for Brahmins (and Rajputs), you need to have folks exclusively from these castes in positions that are either detested or coveted e.g. zamindars, tax collectors, etc. In North, I think presence of Muslims in elite classes (not all Muslims of course) neutralized that effect to an extent.

2. Social: Due to multiple invasions and wars, social structure in the north went through metamorphosis and possibly caste as a system didn’t have the same kind of influence and rigidity as in other places. Furthermore, influences ranging from Sant Ravidas centuries ago to as recent as Neem Karori Baba mainstreamed a belief that hierarchal/rigid caste system was not intrinsic to Hindu faith and thus anti-caste did not necessarily translate to anti-Hinduism.

There has to be a socioeconomic hypothesis too, that experts on X can offer. On my part, I think in the ‘cow belt’ where ‘cow economics’ would be followed, the relationship between various castes was far more symbiotic than in places were economics was totally inverted or newly introduced by the British.

Hegemony? I said presence. And Muslims were indeed present as nawabs, zamindars, etc. during British rule too, and that's what I pointed out.

Here is my conjecture

1. May be Periyar/Phule/Ambedkar succeeded because land owning dominant castes were polarized against Brahmins

This didnt happen in North.

2. In Deccan, prior to british

Dominant castes were at top of social status

Brahmins were dependent on them

After British

Dominant caste lost their status

And Brahmins with government jobs became prominent

3. This didnt happen in North

Because in North due to Islamic rule, dominant castes had already lost their prominent status

Against Muslims, Hindus were united

For adolescent females, the Court suggested following duties

It is the duty/obligation of every female adolescent to:

(i) Protect her right to integrity of her body.

(ii) Protect her dignity and self-worth.

(iii) Thrive for overall development of her self transcending gender barriers.

(iv) Control sexual urge/urges as in the eyes of society she is the looser when she gives in to enjoy the sexual pleasure of hardly two minutes.

(v) Protect her right to autonomy of her body and her privacy.

For adolescent males, the Court suggested following duties

For adolescent males, the Court stressed upon the duty of male adolescents is to respect the duties of young girls and women. They should be trained to respect women's self-worth, dignity, privacy and their autonomy over their bodies.

The Court also pointed towards the need for fostering a conducive atmosphere at home where children grow up with parents playing a central role in ensuring this, reported Bar and Bench.

Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has been accused of using derogatory language in the Assembly on Tuesday as he was explaining the role of education among women for population control. The video of Nitish Kumar explaining his point on population control went viral on social media and several Bihar women MLAs objected to the language used by the chief minister.

सीएम नीतीश ने कहा कि बिहार में महिलाएं पहले से ज्यादा साक्षर हैं. बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि लड़कियों के पढ़ने-लिखने से जनसंख्या नियंत्रित रहेगी. अपनी बात को समझाने के लिए उन्होंने कहा, 'लड़की पढ़ लेगी अगर, तो जब शादी होगा. तब पुरुष रोज रात में करता है न. उसी में और (बच्चे) पैदा हो जाता है. लड़की अगर पढ़ लेगी तो उसको भीतर मत ..., उसको .... कर दो. इसी में संख्या घट रही है.'

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Transforming ritualistic and seemingly irrational verses into revelations of mystical knowledge

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956)

12 hours ago — The Mother, a close collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, claimed there was no antagonism between being an Indian and French citizen at the same time.
7 hours ago — Home / Shop. Shop. Showing 1–16 of 175 results. Default sorting, Sort by popularity, Sort by average rating, Sort by latest, Sort by price: low to high ...
9 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo. 'The Mother' · 'Savitri' | Four Editions · First (1950-51) 'Complete ... Email · PrevThe Significance of Sri Aurobindo's Mahasamadhi | TE 530 ...

Sri Aurobindo Death Anniversary: The man who unravelled the spiritual side of Vedas
6 days ago — Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty appointed to prestigious Sri Aurobindo Chair at Panjab Univ. UGC-instituted Chair for one-year tenure with academic interactions.

25 Posthuman Spirituality

F Ferrando, D Banerji - Mapping the Posthuman, 2023
The term “spirituality” has a long history with changing meanings. Etymologically, spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritus, which means variously “breath,”“life,”“soul,” and sits in relation to the verb spirare–“to breathe.” As such, the term “spirit” refers to …

Abiteboul, Serge and Gilles Dowek.(2020), The Age of Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Adams, Tim.(2003),“Question Time," The Guardian (30 …

DL Aksnes, P Holm, M Bavinck, F Biermann… - Mapping the Posthuman, 2023
… (2016),“Individuation, Cosmogenesis, and Technology: Sri Aurobindo and Gilbert Simondon,” in Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures, edited by Debashish Banerji and Makarand R. Paranjape, 257–277. New Delhi: Springer. …

Philosophical and Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo

DR Sirswal - 2023
… In this book we included 10 papers from academicians, teachers and research scholars on the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo that touches various aspects of his thoughts. The year-long celebrations to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of … 

[PDF] The Glorious Rise of Early Indo-English Poetry in Pre-Independence Epoch–A Sublime Study

P Loni - Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2023
… One of Sri Aurobindo's main themes in his poems is love. In his early poems Songs to Mystilla, Night by the Sea, The Lover's Complaint, Love in Sorrow etc. love is a "passion, power and pulse." Urvasie and Love and Death, though sensuous and …

[PDF] Integration of Spirituality in the Teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo

B Saroj Chandraker - Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, 2023
… Similarly, Sri Aurobindo spoke of the inner divine … , Sri Aurobindo emphasized the limitations of rigid religious structures, advocating for a direct, personal experience of the divine through inner exploration and transcendent practices …

[PDF] The Role of Karma in Rebirth and Liberation in Masefield's" A Creed": An Upanishadic Reading

… By quoting Sri Aurobindo's thoughts, Jugal Kishore Mukherjee highlights that the real purpose of rebirth is not for rewarding and punishing. It is to learn and evolve for the better life so that we could ultimately attain our Divine Self or Cosmic …

[PDF] Iqbal's Contribution to Education, Knowledge, Enlightenment, and Educational Philosophy

MUR Abbasi
The particular perspective in question served as a guiding force that spurred the intellectual development of Iqbal, influencing the articulation of his educational axiology. The overarching goal of education is rooted in the fundamental concept of …


I Hall - 2023
India is investing more in religious diplomacy, arguing that the world might learn lessons from that country’s extraordinary repository of philosophical and spiritual traditions. This diplomacy has an increasingly Hindu character, reflecting the present …

Rammohun Roy and the 'Conservative'Overtones of His Liberal Sociopolitical Agenda

PP Basu - Indian Historical Review, 2023
Rammohun Roy, the liberal reformer of the early nineteenth century, and perhaps the first Indian to comprehensively embrace the ideal of modernity, encountered a volley of criticisms during his lifetime and beyond. Of all this, the twin charges, that is …

A Review of “The Making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya”

Rajan - 2023
… KCB’s argument initiates a paradigm shift in Vedāntic philosophy, challenging both classical Vedāntic thinkers and modern stalwarts like Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, and Sri Aurobindo. The notion of an alternative form of the absolute, as …


GT Kabulniyazova - CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF …, 2023
… For this, it is necessary to rise to another level of consciousness, described by the Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, which Ghosh calls intuitive consciousness, and which he believes is present in people who practice meditation. According to …

[PDF] Influence of Gita on WB Yeats: A Study of The Second Coming

M Vinita, DM Mahavidyalaya, M Parveen
WB Yeats is one of the greatest English language poets of 20th century. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1923. He is the pioneer of Irish Literary Renaissance. Also the credit of foundation of Abbey theatre goes to him. Yeats was born and …

[PDF] Contribution of Vernacular Newspapers to the Emergence of Revolutionism in Colonial Bengal

R Mandal - 2023
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Mahatma Gandhi's Concept of Truth and Its Literary Interpretations in Indian Literature

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Friday, November 17, 2023

Temples are not places of democracy

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), The President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and The Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Mandirs need to be freed. “Freeing” means creating private trusts. Who will be trustees? Will all local Hindus have a say? How does Sampradaya-Jati map? Zero caste discrimination key including on archakas. Barring Dalits was also “tradition”. So that by itself is not good enough. Claim that “Agamas” only allow XYZ Jaati Archakas - so did the Agamas forbid Avarna Hindus entry into our Mandirs/temples? If they did, that changed so other things can also change. If they didn’t, why was that followed then? If that was not important enough either way, what is? How is Varna to be understood where nobody follows Smritis? (Read Kanchi Shankaracharya’s lament w.r.t this on the official website.) Plus when it suits - count temples’ resources. When it suits otherwise, then include small temples to say how many have Archakas from all Jaatis. Those who are saying why don’t you ask about mosques or churches, first of all to even “free” or denationalise or reprivatise (despite historical state linkages) existing government controlled temples - you need to create private trusts. Who will be the trustees is the question.. .. secondly, I care about Dharma as a Hindu. When there are Hindus fighting politically, socially and legally against caste based discrimination - I do not want our Mandirs to in anyway sanction that in the name of tradition at least going forward. The Sangh is working on models. What is telling is that a vocal section of the free temple activism (exceptions such as Sadhguru) not only are not providing concrete models for trust formation, they are actively working to entrench caste discrimination and reverse reform wherever possible. That is unacceptable. So let me end for now, tongue in cheek, by saying that those who want they can create their own new private temples. Temples already under state will be denationalised keeping in mind all of Hindudom, which by its very nature is pluralist. But caste need not be an axis thereof.

I am afraid I don’t agree with you here, @harshmadhusudan. Any private trust of Hindus would be better than the callous loot carried out by corrupt babus and politicians when the temples are under govt control. Go to ANY govt temple in the country and see only corruption, filth and complete disregard to the ordinary devotee. I come from Goa, where the temples are community controlled, and they are cleaner, better maintained and do more welfare activities for the community than ANY govt controlled temple! I come from a state where EVERY temple, big or small, is managed by the community and I have not seen cleaner, better managed, more beautifully kept temples ANYWHERE in India! See the temples in Goa first before you sing praises of govt control. One Vaishnodevi does NOT make for the 30,000 temples in TN where the premises are not even swept everyday! Neither is one Vaishnodevi entire India! What’s your point?

Yes, but why would we do “any” private trust? We should think of how trustees get elected. You are thinking (rightly) of corruption and abuse, I am also thinking of potential of politicians to deepen new fault lines amongst Hindus. Let us not rush, let us evolve right mechanisms. What is the point of constantly saying “free” temples when we have no governance model in mind? The governance structure can be multitiered and can have an admin side and ritualistic side but who, how etc is the control done is an absolutely valid point of proper open discussion. Right now there are court cases in Kerala, TN etc about caste based discrimination in temples @ShefVaidya - anybody who wants to free temples must take a clear stand on these cases. Without that, it does matter who are the trustees. Any does not cut it. Sorry, I disagree as well. The free temple activism is not new. In all these years, one would think we would have a concrete proposal in front of us by now. Why escape the elephant in the room - which is very much caste based discrimination - let us put our views wrt that fairly and squarely on the table.

There is nothing wrong with a denominational temple that is managed by a private community based trust as long as the temple does not discriminate between the devotees. Let’s wait for a ‘proper mechanism’ has been the standard govt excuse to keep a stranglehold on temple money for over 75 years! Do you think other religions do not have fault lines? But they are given a free hand to manage their own places of worship. Are you saying Hindus are less capable then others? This bogey of ‘caste discrimination’ is just a convenient excuse to not let Hindus manage their own temples.

Given our history, Sampradāya has often (not always) been de facto Jaati. All traditions and puja-pranali-vidhi will be maintained even if all local Hindus get a say through the new private trust of a temple that was under government control. Just caste discrimination or theological separatism (like happened in Punjab) will be less likely. I want temples to be freed tomorrow but only if all local Hindus get a say. We can have exceptions for smaller temples. Depends on details. Why are you opposed to all Hindus having a say? Why are we not seeing any concrete proposal? Who really is slowing the freeing of our temples and for what motives?

It is actually the govt that is against giving up of Hindu temples to Hindus. Because when they see temples, they see huge cash reserves and land, that they can use any which way they want. No matter which party is in power, they do not want to give up temples. All this caste discrimination bogeyman is just that, a convenient excuse. I am absolutely fine with Chidambaram being managed by only the Dikshitars, as long as all Hindus enjoy the same right of worship. Why is that so difficult to understand? You are giving no solution, just raising that same old hoary chestnut of ‘caste fault lines’. I am absolutely fine with a temple that is managed only by a ST trust, as long as I am not discriminated against when it comes to worship! I have seen this model WORK!

There are cases going on about whether all Hindus can become priests. You think this is an excuse, but I fully support any such Hindu priest-petitioner that he should not be disqualified merely on birth. I do *not* think he would pollute the spiritual energy of a Mandir even though he would have all training and would follow all rituals. Let local Hindus decide, no matter my or your views. Why oppose? Let us free our temples.

Bridging the tradition - reform divide on priesthood is not that hard. Allow the new professionally trained priests to also carry out rituals without removing the existing hereditary priesthood. The apathy of devotees towards anything except their prayer and demands from the deity is the biggest obstacle to freeing temples from govt control.

Absolutely, no question of removing anyone. Everybody will be grandfathered. It is only for new appointments. Even then I am very sure any change in caste composition will be very gradual almost glacial. It is a matter of Dharmic principle. Not a hill worth dying on for Hindudom.

Lone warrior fighting the battle for Hindu Dharma & it has always been like that, Harsh! See the lives of all the great ones who fought for lower castes, by birth discrimination, untouchability, temple entry....all were humiliated, abused. But Sri Krishna will bless you.

Not at all “lone warrior”, ma’am. Sangh as inheritors of Dharma Sangathan real warriors. Best abuse I got so far (ignoring anon handles) was from TR Ramesh ji - he called my views as agenda of “RSS-Vatican” in talk hosted by Anand. I told TR Rameshji RSS linkage is an honour :) This is not the first time that sir has compared RSS to the Vatican. Generally this intellectual group, let us call it that, compares the Sangh work to Protestantisation of Hindu Dharma. Here the Catholic reference has been added. We now wait for Orthodox reference, pun intended.

As much as I respect some of Harsh's views, I think he is wrong on these matters. Most Hindus belong to a certain tradition or devata, meaning that their primary means to engage with the world and the larger Hindu/Vedic world is from a particular perspective of beliefs and practices. While yes there can be and often is some overlap of traditions/practices it isn't at the exclusion of the primary one.  As to the temple argument, temples are not places of democracy they are places of samkalpa meaning that the temple or tirtha exists in that location in that form for a particular purpose and usually the sthala puranas provide that reasoning.  The temple is not simply a social/cultural/political place but a place of particular spiritual artha. The puranas and agamas provide us the context for the meaning of the temple and how the temple should be. We cannot nor should we discount those, they should be the central means to engaging and understanding the mandir/kovil/temple.

This applies only to certain communities. Most communities follow their ishta and don't have hereditary associations. Kula devata is different. There can be a Shiva devotee and Krishna bhakta in the same household whose Kula devata is a version of Kali.

I can’t make any comments on other sampradayas or India, but I do know that ISKCON heavily rejects anything that isn’t Krishnaite. Although they seem to have an alliance with Hindutva. To them Kali, Ganesh and Shiva are “demigods”, Buddhism is shunyavad. Shankara is mayavad.

Mukunda, your claim: “Most Hindus belong to a certain tradition or devata” Is, with respect, completely false. 70%+ of adult Indian Hindus (Pew, 2019-20) do *not* belong to a certain tradition or deity. Majority, like me, is de facto Smartha (in a Panchayatana Puja sense.) Wrt temples, I discussed it in detail with @ARanganathan72 yesterday for 2 hours. Your representation of my views is not correct. I will write/discuss about them again on some platform. Thank you.

You get saying that you are Smarta indicates that you belong to a particular tradition, which maybe different from tantrika, vaishnava, shakta, vedika and so on. If you hold a kula, grama, ishta devata in preference there are clear traditions and practices connected, which also have associated ideas about the other deities, traditions, and ideas.  That screenshot you provided indicates only that people don't know the name of a sect, tradition, matha, peetham, temple, or practice they belong to, not that they don't themselves practice something that does belong to a sect, tradition, matha, temple, or practice.  My claim isn't false in fact if you delve beyond the surface it is pretty well understood and attested.  I look forward to your position in regard to temples being put forth.

Harsh is simply stating that caste based discrimination in every aspect of Temples activities from rituals to management must end. Rest other criteria for selection of pujaris, management remains... only by birth discrimination must end. @raghman36

Radical H reformer hot takes this week:

- Hindu Metaphysics is distinct from spiritual. Gita is teen spirit rebellion

- Hindus are a civilization but not a community

- Hindus are morally incapable of managing temples

- ICM by State for 'emotional integration' - Final solution

Spiritual is always the greatest rebellion - Cause we are rebelling against the lower tendencies. Our new age radical creatives think that Gita is shrouded in spiritualism (whatever that means) and that Krishna just used Metaphysics to convince Arjuna not that it is TRUTH.

If repeating Veer Savarkar's arguments make @harshmadhusudan "radical", one wonders what is Savarkar ji. Savarkarism is not Neo-Hindutva. From Aurobindo Ghosh to Sachin Sanyal, Alluri to S.Vivekananda, every Hindu Revivalist is a Hindu reformer.

Indian Americans who are Republicans have a job on their hand. Belief in Khalistan is not religious but rather violent separatist ideology. It’s a few extremist diaspora nuts who are bent on exporting India hate to Punjab.

Savitri Era Party: Emerson, Baldwin, Chomsky, and Sri Aurobindo

Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956), The President, Savitri Era Party (2007) and The Founder, Savitri Era Religion (2006).

Savitri Era of those who adore,

Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.